A reoccurring theme on the CW’s Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is how much Rebecca Bunch lies. Lying is her MO, and she uses her incredible genius to gain the upper hand over many people around her. Granted, many of Rebecca’s lies fall apart and leave her in incredibly awkward and uncomfortable positions — which make for great TV.

Throughout four seasons, we’ve seen Rebecca lie and cover up her lies with even more lies. Although the series ended, fans of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend can’t stop thinking about the crazy things Rebecca pulled to make her way in West Covina. Let’s take a look back at 10 of her craziest lies.


Let’s be honest, most of Rebecca’s craziest lies and moments were in the first season. As a newcomer to West Covina, Rebecca tried her best to implement herself in Josh’s life — the entire reason why she dropped everything and moved.

Her current best friend Paula didn’t trust Rebecca at first and quickly found out she moved there because of a man named Josh. But according to Rebecca, she moved to West Covina because she needed a change and wanted to support a local community.


Paula and Rebecca may have started off on rocky grounds but they eventually found their footing and became best friends. Once Paula got to know Rebecca more, she loved being part of her devious plans and went outside the box to make sure Rebecca and Josh got together. But when Rebecca started sleeping with Josh’s friend Greg, she did everything she could to hide it from Paula. Paula seemed to be more obsessed with Josh and Rebecca than Rebecca was. Finding out she was throwing away all their hard work would have been too hard on Paula, which is why Rebecca claimed she was going to the “pie supply” shop when she was actually going to go sleep with Greg.


The history of Robert and Rebecca is actually quite upsetting. One could say the Robert era was the beginning of the end for Rebecca.

Robert was Rebecca’s former college professor at Harvard. The two had an intimate relationship and he was even going to leave his wife to be with her. However, when he called off their relationship, Rebecca went nuts and almost burned his house down. Throughout the four seasons, Rebecca would have flashbacks of Robert and say his name at random times, which brought up a lot of questions. To cover her crazy, she told everyone Robert was her old dog.


After Josh stood Rebecca up at the altar, she sought revenge. She called in her girl squad to talk over potential ideas of destruction and one of them was incredibly vile — turning her fecal matter into cupcakes and anonymously sending them to Josh, saying they were from Jesus himself. The girls talked her out of it, but by the end of the episode, we see her mailing her “cupcakes” to Josh even though she said she wasn’t going to do it. So, not only did she lie to her gals but she lied to Josh and yes, even Jesus.


In the first season, Rebecca creates a fake coupon for free drinks at a place called Jalapeno Jack’s. The coupon wasn’t real but it was a great way to get Josh at dinner alone. Little does Rebecca know, Josh invited his friends because they all thought drinks were free.

By the end of the night, Rebecca spent almost $1,000 on dinner and drinks because the “coupon” didn’t limit the amount of people who ordered. After shelling out a fortune on margaritas, this was one of the dumbest lies Rebecca got away with.


Before Rebecca and Darryl became close friends, she told Josh and co. that she moved to West Covina because Darryl gave her a job offer she couldn’t refuse. This didn’t necessarily make sense since she was making over $500,000 a year in New York City and was about to become a junior partner. Nevertheless, that’s the lie she told and people bought it. Sadly for Rebecca, by the end of the first season, Darryl disputed her lies about him head-hunting her, and claimed Rebecca is actually the one who reached out to him. This put Rebecca in a big pickle and all her small lies began to unravel.


At the beginning of the second season, Josh is no longer with Valencia and has moved in with Rebecca. The two weren’t a couple but they were sleeping together. Rebecca, of course, wanted Josh to be her boyfriend and was looking for every sign in the book that they belonged together.

When her period was late, she assumed she was pregnant and told him immediately without any proof. The thought of being a father with a woman he was shacking up with terrified Josh and left him speechless. Moments later, Rebecca gets her period and denounces the whole ‘being pregnant’ thing but that doesn’t excuse her insensitivity to the subject. While Rebecca didn’t necessarily “lie” about being pregnant, it proves how irrational and erratic she could be.


After Josh leaves Rebecca at the altar and seek a life in the priesthood, Rebecca is looking for ways to make Josh Chan pay. This, of course, means lying to make herself look like an angel while ruining Josh’s reputation. She ends up hiring an actor who looks like Josh to create a fake porno. In the porn, she’ll have fake Josh say he hates God, which would ruin his chance of becoming a priest. Thankfully, Paula couldn’t let Rebecca go through with this plan and called the whole thing off, but it was a lie that could have ruined Josh’s career.


Back when Josh and Valencia were still dating and living with each other, Rebecca was low-key stalking him for intel. One day at work, Josh surprised Rebecca, which made her quickly text her best friend Paula about the interaction. However, Rebecca didn’t text Paula, she texted Josh by mistake.

She then breaks into his house to steal his phone and delete the message before he sees it. She deletes it successfully but not before Josh comes home and finds her in his apartment… To get herself out of the mess, she lies and tells him someone broke into her apartment, which led her to break into his apartment to feel safe.


Darryl may be quirky and annoying but he’s a great person. He owned his own law firm, is a great dad, and was a loving husband until his wife wanted to divorce him. In an effort to be more professional, Rebecca becomes Darryl’s divorce lawyer and attempts to get Darryl full custody of his daughter. In order to make Darryl look like an angel, Rebecca attempts to plant $10,000 in cash in his ex’s airport luggage. Arriving at an airport with $10,000 in cash is enough to flag her and get her in unnecessary trouble. Unfortunately for Rebecca, this little planted lie of hers didn’t work out because his ex caught her in the act.