The war against Thanos and The Avengers and potential end of the world doesn’t tend to leave a lot of room for romance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

While Age of Ultron set up a potential future for Hulk and Black Widow, they’ve been a little too busy for relationships.

The major exception to this, of course, would be Vision and Scarlet Witch. Over the course of Age of Ultron, Civil War and now Infinity War, they have built organic foundations for potential love.

This no doubt excites comic book fans who know that Vision and Scarlet Witch were an item for quite a long time in the original source material.

While there were incredible strengths to that relationship, to the idea of two outcasts who weren’t always beloved or trusted by the people around them finding each other, finding their own strength through each other, their relationship was also unbelievably, sometimes devastatingly rocky.

Whether it be during their relationship or as a direct result of its fallout, the pairing of Vision and Scarlet Witch has not been without dire consequences.

kThey’ve had incredible ups and downs. In this list, we’ll be looking at everything from their time as a couple to how their relationship continued to affect their lives for years after it ended.

With that in mind, here are the 20 Crazy Secrets About Scarlet Witch And Vision’s Relationship.

20. Their Marriage Was Annulled When Vision Was Stripped of Emotion

Scarlet Witch and Vision were a couple for so long that they eventually got married. This marriage continued throughout their time in West Coast Avengers and formed the basis of the two Vision & Scarlet Witch solo series.

When John Byrne took over the title, however, he introduced the controversial “Vision Quest” storyline in which Vision was dismantled and nearly destroyed.

When he was rebuilt, he was completely stripped of all of his emotional capacity.

As Vision could no longer feel or understand love, he and Scarlet Witch could no longer be together.

Their wedding was eventually annulled and the two were forced to go their separate ways. Even after Vision regained his basic humanity, it was clear that the relationship could not pick up where it left off.

19. They Had Twin Sons Via Magic

Scarlet Witch has suffered a lot of trauma, even during her relationship with Vision, but the worst thing that ever happened to her began with what should have been the best: her pregnancy.

For a witch and an android, children always appeared to be out of the question.

However, through magical means, Scarlet Witch found herself pregnant with twins.

This is only appropriate, of course, being that she herself was the twin sister of Quicksilver.

Everything went well for them for awhile, but unfortunately it didn’t last when the children turned out to not be what they seemed, especially given that they didn’t turn out to be real children at all, but rather shards of the soul of the Devil himself.

What began as a happy ending for the characters wound up as a Rosemary’s Baby kind of nightmare.

18. Their Children Turned Out to Be Demons

It was eventually revealed that the twin sons of Scarlet Witch and Vision were actually created from fragments of the soul of Mephisto, the Devil figure of the Marvel Universe.

Although their conception had always been supernatural and the babies had been delivered by Doctor Strange himself, this was a bold move that definitely took fans by surprise.

Scarlet Witch had not even been able to conceive children, so she treated her kids as a miracle and the heartbreak of losing them proved to have lasting consequences.

But the reveal of their demonic origin was a heartbreak neither she nor Vision could stand. It would also not be the last time Mephisto would meddle in their lives.

Although, even this painful situation did not turn out to be entirely true, as the entire affair may have been an extension of Scarlet Witch’s power.

17. Scarlet Witch Altered Reality to Give Herself Children

Even after the loss of their children, the story didn’t end, as Wanda’s mentor, Agatha Harkness, uncovered the root of the issue and learned that her children had never actually, technically existed in the first place.

This was the first time it really became clear just how huge Scarlet Witch’s capacity for bending reality truly was.

She wanted children so badly, even though she could not have them, that she willed them into existence.

She changed herself and the world around her to allow herself to have her twins and did not even realize she was doing it.

When Scarlet Witch regained the memory of her children, unable to admit the illusion they had been, it kicked off an event that demolished the Avengers and paved the way for her to alter the very fabric of reality on a much larger scale in House of M.

16. Vision Created An Android Family After Their Breakup

Vision has gotten his own incredibly critically acclaimed solo series over the last few years.

In this new series, in stark contrast to traditional superhero comics, as the series did not necessarily revolve around a villain or anything but Vision’s attempt to give himself a normal life.

Because Vision is the least likely Avenger to be able to lead some kind of normal life, he had to create one for himself.

He created an android wife and children for himself and kept adding to this family unit every time they had a serious argument, creating a dog in hopes of easily patching things up.

In his attempt to envelope himself in this lie, he only succeeded in alienating the people who truly cared about him and the Avengers family he had had for so long. He even alienating his android wife, as well.

15. It’s Been Implied That Vision Will Commit Genocide In His Search For A Happy Relationship

Although Vision has never altered reality or accidentally caused wide scale destruction, his life was never altogether stable after his breakup with Scarlet Witch, either.

His recent solo series saw him create his own android family for himself, as a way to finally provide himself with a normal life that he felt he had earned.

Even if this life was not with Scarlet Witch, it was the result of a love for life and a quest for humanity that began with her.

Unfortunately, it became clear that he would do anything to hold onto this idea of normalcy, even leading innocent people to get hurt by his actions.

It was then revealed that Vision’s newfound attempt to find his humanity through his android family would eventually become such a powerful obsession that at some point in the future he could decimate humanity.

14. They Moved to Different Avengers Teams After Their Breakup

Scarlet Witch and Vision’s move to the West Coast Avengers was in some ways a decision made so that they could truly start their lives together.

They became staple members of that group until the events that led to their break up came to fruition.

After it became clear that they could not reconcile their relationship, the two heroes realized that it wouldn’t work if they just continued to try to work together on the same team.

Scarlet Witch elected to stay on the West Coast while Vision returned to the East Coast to the original Avengers team.

This went on for awhile, but in a Marvel Universe full of ever-changing team rosters, they did wind up back on the same team in practically no time at all.

13. They Lived in the Suburbs And Had to Put Up With Hateful Neighbors

Because the Avengers deal with so many different problems than the X-Men, it can be easy to forget that the Scarlet Witch was a mutant—or was depicted as such for the bulk of her comic book history.

In their second solo series, the pair decided to move into the suburbs in attempt to lead more normal lives.

This decision proved how differently they were perceived than their other teammates. When Captain America would walk down the street, he’d be treated like a celebrity.

For a woman who was both a mutant and a witch at the time, not to mention her android husband, the reception was very different.

Their neighbors proved to be bigoted, narrow-minded and altogether entirely unwelcome to the poor young couple.

12. They Were Paired Together Because They Didn’t Appear In Any Other Series

Vision and Scarlet Witch made sense as a couple. They were a unique pairing, but they had many things in common.

Both were sort of treated as outcasts, both weren’t entirely trusted when they joined the team on account of their semi-villainous backgrounds.

They were both technically the offspring of two of the Marvel Universe’s most notorious villains, with Scarlet Witch being the daughter of Magneto (at the time) and Vision having been created by Ultron.

However, the truth is, they were initially put together because it would be convenient.

At the time, both Vision and Scarlet Witch were only appearing in one Avengers book and unlike several teammates did not have their own solo series to worry about.

Writer Steve Englehart realized it would be much easier to pair two characters together if they only appeared in one book, which would also allow him some control over the direction of the relationship as its sole writer.

11. Quicksilver Objected To Their Relationship

Scarlet Witch is also famous for being the twin sister of Quicksilver, another longtime Avenger, in addition to being a member of X-Factor, as well as the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, in the twins’ early days.

He was always overprotective of Wanda, and wanted to especially make sure that every potential boyfriend met his approval.

In the beginning, her relationship with Vision horrified him.

Quicksilver was disgusted that she could love something that wasn’t even human, even though he should have understood how bigoted that was given that he was believed to be a mutant at the time.

Quicksilver eventually came around to Vision and to their relationship, but he was always uneasy and Scarlet Witch likely never forgot that initial reaction from her own brother.

10. There Was a Brief Love Triangle With Hawkeye

While Vision and Scarlet Witch always loved and supported each other during even the most trying times of their relationship, there was a brief period in which Hawkeye attempted to steal Wanda’s affection from her beloved android.

Hawkeye had already been show to at least have a clear attraction to Scarlet Witch, so it wasn’t entirely surprising for him to attempt to make a move, but definitely poor timing for him to do it while she and Vision were already together.

Luckily, Hawkeye eventually backed off.

However, this would only lead to a period of calm in the relationship before another love triangle developed with Wonder Man toward the end of Scarlet Witch and Vision’s marriage, even though their bond only appeared to strengthen during most of that time.

9. They Were Almost Founding Members of the West Coast Avengers

For a long chunk of Marvel’s history, The Avengers were basically treated as royalty in New York City. They dealt with international threats, but they were always right in everybody’s backyard.

People loved the Fantastic Four, but The Avengers were legends that everyone looked up to.

The problem was that over time the roster of Avengers kept expanding and expanding until they could not possibly be housed together in the same city, let alone on the same team.

Scarlet Witch had been with the Avengers since issue #16 and Vision had been around since the creation of Ultron, so it made sense for two non-founding but seminal Avengers to be chosen for the introduction of the West Coast team.

The team kicked off with Iron Man and Hawkeye, but it was not even fifty issues in before Scarlet Witch and Vision joined to replace Tigra and Moon Knight.

8. Wonder Man Refused to Restore Vision’s Personality So He And Scarlet Witch Could Be Together

Wonder Man’s affection for Scarlet Witch proved to form a far, far stranger love triangle than Hawkeye.

After all, Wonder Man’s brain patterns were used to form the basis of Vision’s personality and emotional capacity. He was the person that Vision was based off of in the first place.

It took the couple into an awkward gray area. Would it technically be cheating if this was in essence sort of the same person? Obviously, the answer was yes.

Wonder Man and Vision, despite their connection, have always proven to be very different people.

When Vision was dismantled, Wonder Man made a choice that would gravely affect the relationship between Scarlet Witch and her then-husband, by electing not to restore Vision’s personality.

He only did this because he knew that if the Vision remained emotionless, then he and Scarlet Witch could be together.

7. They Reconciled Their Relationship Shortly Before Sacrificing Themselves

After Vision and Scarlet Witch ended their marriage they continued to occasionally work together as Avengers.

However, they never attempted to pick up where they left off or tried to renew their relationship.

During the Onslaught event in which Professor X and Magneto essentially merged their energies into an unstoppable psionic monster that threatened to unmake the Marvel Universe. Every Avenger was called into action to fight against their destruction.

Scarlet Witch and Vision were right in the center of the action. They were thrown back together.

In the heat of the moment, they reconciled their differences and found themselves feeling familiar feelings for one another again.

Moments later, they sacrificed themselves in an attempt to stop Onslaught, which led to the apparent passings of many Avengers and the creation of the Heroes Reborn universe.

6. Vision Did Not Want Her To Return to The Avengers After House of M

During the events of Avengers Disassembled, in which Wanda completely lost control of her powers and nearly destroyed the entire team, Vision was used by Wanda— even if she didn’t entirely realize it— as a suicide bomber, flying a quinjet into the mansion and unleashing an army of Ultron robots from his body before being torn in half by She-Hulk.

It was a hard sendoff from someone he had once loved so deeply. When it came time to talk of Scarlet Witch rejoining the Avengers after House of M, Vision was outspoken against the decision.

There are even elements of this at play in Captain America: Civil War.

In that movie, despite their feelings for one another, Vision agrees with the idea of Wanda being confined to the compound and supports the Sokovia Accords, as he is prominently in favor of accountability.

5. They Shared Their First Kiss During the Kree-Skrull War

The best comic book stories are the ones that balance dynamic action with deep and sincere emotional moments.

There’s a reason why the Dark Phoenix Saga is always held in such a high regard. It’s as operatic as it is bombastic and exciting.

In a similar vein, there’s a reason why Kree-Skrull War is always mentioned on lists of the best Avengers stories. It’s a pure, classic Avengers tale.

It saw the warring races of the Kree and the Skrull take their fight to Earth, willing to leave it devastated in their fury without so much as a second thought.

The Avengers were the only thing standing between them and keeping the world from falling apart.

In that peril, their arose an emotional boiling point in which Vision and Scarlet Witch first realized and acted upon their feelings for one another.

4. They Continued Their Relationship After Vision Lost His Body

Despite their differences and Vision’s synthetic body, there had always been a strong physical element to their relationship.

However,after Vision lost his body, that dynamic wound up changing. Vision found his consciousness placed into a hologram, which was the only way he could continue to function and communicate with the team.

He could still be seen and heard, but he was completely intangible.

Scarlet Witch and Vision continued their relationship after this, but it completely changed their dynamic.

It allowed them to grow closer emotionally, but it also made them feel alienated from one another at the same time.

Even though this was an obstacle to overcome and they did wind up going their separate ways down the line, it was actually something that strengthened and deepened their bond at the time.

In his holographic state, he even briefly became team leader.

3. They Were Both Distrusted by The Avengers When They Joined

Scarlet Witch and Vision both had an interesting, rocky start with the Avengers. One of the many things that may have brought them together in the first place may have been their almost parallel introduction to the group.

Wanda was a known terrorist in her earliest days as the Scarlet Witch, operating with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants alongside her brother, under the guidance of her father—as he was believed to be then—Magneto.

Vision, meanwhile, was created by Ultron, arguably the Avengers’ most dangerous enemy.

Because of that element, plus the fact that he was an android and could potentially be reprogrammed, the Avengers were not quick to trust him at first.

Even among their own team, Scarlet Witch and Vision were occasionally seen as outcasts, which could be one of the things that brought them together in the first place.

2. Wiccan and Speed Are Their Reincarnated Children

Despite everything they have been through over her lost, possibly demonic, technically non-existent children, Scarlet Witch altered reality one last time to help usher her teenage sons into the world as the Young Avengers Wiccan and Speed.

These boys turned out to technically be the reincarnations of Wanda’s lost children.

After everything Wanda has been through, everything she has accidentally caused in her grief, these Young Avengers and their mark on the Marvel Universe have allowed her something of a happy ending.

At the very least, they’ve helped Scarlet Witch, Vision, writers, and fans as a whole close the book on a very dark chapter in Wanda’s past.

Wiccan in particular has already made a strong positive impact on the Marvel Universe due to his relationship with fellow Young Avenger Hulkling.

1. She Took The Life Of Vision Along With Half the Avengers

The worst thing Scarlet Witch ever did also directly involved the Vision and became the worst thing to ever happen to their relationship.

When Wanda learned that her memories of her children had been erased, she nearly tore reality apart in attempt to get them back, to settle into a normal life where she could simply have the family she felt she was meant to have.

This included an attack on Avengers Mansion, completely destroying it. Several members passed away or were believed to have passed, including Jack of Hearts and Hawkeye.

Vision flew a quinjet into the mansion and destroyed it. He was not in control of his body at the time, though appeared to have already figured out who was behind his manipulation.

He spawned a handful of Ultron robots which also attacked his teammates before being torn in half by She-Hulk, losing control of her powers for the very first time.

Can you think of any other secrets about The Avenger’s Scarlet Witch and Vision? Sound off in the comments!