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The iPad App Store is packed with many Twitter clients, but most of these clients offer a similar experience. A user interface with a timeline, a button to open up a tweet sheet, and several more advanced features like direct messaging, tweet quoting, translating and more. Crest ($1.99), however, throws the concept of a typical iOS Twitter client away and offers a brand new way to view your Twitter timeline. This view is a plain black background with falling tiles of Twitter user profile pictures. A user taps the small icon and then that particular user’s tweet will popup.

[vimeo w=400&h=225]

The application also allows you to view that user’s profile by tapping on their name. You can view your own profile by swiping your finger across the display to the right, and you can post tweets by swiping to the left. Additionally, you can swipe to the right on a tweet to reply to it. Tapping the top of the user interface brings up a settings module and a search bar. The application is very minimal and we can’t recommend it as a Twitter “power-user’s” only iPad Twitter client, but we can recommend it to Twitter users who focus on reading tweets, and we can definitely recommend it to any Twitter user who wants to complement their main Twitter application with a fun alternative. I’ve been using Crest for about a week and have enjoyed the unique and convenient experience.