The second chapter of the Arrowverse crossover Crisis on Infinite Earths was just as filled with Easter Eggs from the comics as the first. This is no surprise to fans of The CW’s superhero series, who are well aware of how well the network’s shows pay tribute to their source material.

Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two saw the heroes shifting focus from evacuating the Earths in the path of the anti-matter wave to locating 7 legendary heroes known as the Paragons. According to the Monitor, the Book of Destiny foretold that these Paragons held the ultimate key to defeating the Anti-Monitor and saving all of reality. Unfortunately, the Monitor had only been able to identify two of the Paragons and only had clues hinting at the identities of two more.

The search for the Paragons sent most of the heroes to explore the multiverse, while one team stayed behind to seek a way to resurrect the fallen Green Arrow. Yet, even in this moment of peril there were other evils afoot, as Lex Luthor sought to use the confusion and a cosmic artifact to wreak his revenge on Superman across reality. The action-packed Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two balanced its story with a healthy amount Easter eggs and references.

The Return Of Captain Cold… Sort Of

With our heroes in need of a mobile base of operations with a science lab, Harbinger traveled to Earth-74; a world where the Legends of Tomorrow retired after one of their members died and Mick “Heatwave” Rory turned the abandoned Waverider into a man-cave where he could work on his novels in peace. Instead of the familiar Gideon, this Waverider was powered by a snarky artificial intelligence named Leonard, who mocked Heatwave for “basically living out of your car.”

The voice of Leonard was immediately recognizable as that of Wentworth Miller, who previously played the Captain Cold of Earth-1 and Citizen Cold of Earth-X on The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow. While it’s unclear if the Leonard Snart of Earth-74 was transformed into an AI or the team created an AI based on their fallen comrade, it was still a nice cameo role for the beloved actor.

7 Paragons And The Number 7 in DC Comics Lore

Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part 2 sees our heroes begin the search for 7 Paragons; heroes who the Monitor foresaw being needed to ultimately defeat the Anti-Monitor. While the concept of Paragons is unique to the Arrowverse, the number 7 is a significant one to the cosmos of DC Comics. For instance, one of the greatest enemies of Shazam is the 7 Deadly Enemies of Man; Wrath, Greed, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Lust and Gluttony. There were also 7 founding members of the first incarnation of the Justice League.

There are 7 members of The Endless; the personifications of various primal forces making up the universe from Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman. They are Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair and Delirium. There are also 7 emotions (Love, Compassion, Hope, Will, Fear, Greed and Rage) tied to the 7 colors making up the emotional spectrum of Life, which empowers the various lantern corps, including the Will-fueled Green Lantern Corps. Perhaps it is no coincidence that some of these correspond to the forces tied to the Paragons, with Supergirl being the Paragon of Hope and White Canary being the Paragon of Destiny.

The Tome Of The Guardians

When asked where he is getting the information on the Paragons, The Monitor revealed that he had also been working with Felicity Smoak, who had gained access to a book of prophecy which he refers to as “the Tome of The Guardians.” The most famous Guardians in DC Comics are the Guardians of the Universe; the aliens who founded the Green Lantern Corps and they have an equally famous book full of the history of their order and prophecies of the future, though it is known in the comics as The Book of Oa. Presumably the Warner Bros. embargo on direct references to Green Lantern in the Arrowverse is still in effect.

How Mia Smoak Learned Of The Lazarus Pits

While the other heroes started the search for the Paragons, Mia Smoak became fixated on finding a Lazarus Pit on another Earth that she could use to resurrect Oliver Queen. When Sara Lance (who knew first-hand how dangerous using a Lazarus Pit could be) tried to persuade Mia against it, Mia pointedly told Sara that she had learned all she needed to know about the Pits and Sara Lance from Nyssa Al Ghul.

Arrow fans will likely remember how it was revealed that Mia was trained in the arts of combat by Nyssa Al Ghul in Arrow season 7, episode 16, “Star City 2040.” What’s curious is the idea that Mia would have a negative attitude towards Sara because of what Nyssa told her. While the long-time love-interests did break up, their relationship ended at Nyssa’s instance. Nyssa said she didn’t want Sara to throw her life away waiting for her or trying to rescue her while she was being imprisoned by the League of Assassins, during the events of Legends of Tomorrow season 1.

Bruce Wayne’s Exoskeleton

The search for the Paragon of Courage leads Supergirl and Batwoman to Earth-99 and this world’s version of Bruce Wayne (Kevin Conroy). Unfortunately, he’s in no shape for fighting, being barely able to walk with the aid of a high-tech exoskeleton. The design of this exoskeleton is based on a rig worn by the similarly injured Bruce Wayne of the classic graphic novel Kingdom Come.

Although actor Kevin Conroy may not have been recognized by DC fans watching the crossover, his voice would have sounded familiar; this is because Conroy voiced Batman in the 1990s cartoon Batman: The Animated Series.

The Kingdom

After learning the Book of Destiny possessed the power to rewrite reality, Lex Luthor stole the Book and abandoned the Waverider, determined to kill as many Supermen as possible before the Anti-Monitor finished unmaking the multiverse. This plan is remarkably similar to that of Gog, the chief villain of the The Kingdom, the sequel to Kingdom Come. Feeling spurned by Superman after his efforts to start a church devoted to the Man of Steel were rejected, Gog killed Superman and then began going back in time, one day at a time, killing Superman over and over again.

The (First) Death of Superman

Shortly after arriving on Earth-75, Lois and Clark were contacted by Iris West, who informed them of Lex Luthor’s plan to kill as many Supermen as possible. Thanks to a convenient news report, they learned that Lex had already accomplished his mission on that Earth. The image of a tearful Lois Lane hovering over a dead Superman, as the torn remains of his cape blow in the breeze like a flag is a direct lift from the original Death of Superman comic book.


One of the most hyped aspects of Crisis of Infinite Earths: Part 2 was how it revealed the final fate of the Clark Kent, Lois Lane and Lex Luthor of the Smallville series. One question that remained, however, was why the Arrowverse’s designation for the Earth of Smallville was Earth-167. That number was chosen in tribute to Smallville’s producers Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, who were both born in 1967.

Batman’s Trophy Case on Earth-99

As Supergirl was confined to Wayne Manor’s library while Batwoman tried to talk to the Bruce Wayne of Earth-99, she made a grisly discovery in a trophy case of Batman’s mementos from battles with his greatest enemies; a pair of familiar-looking pair of glasses which were broken and had blood on them. The Luke Fox of Earth-99 confirmed that those had once belonged to that world’s version of Superman and that Batman had killed him, though he was severely injured in the process.

The trophy case also contained a blood-soaked Joker playing card, one of The Penguin’s umbrellas, The Riddler’s cane and a snow-globe/music box which seems to be modeled after the one owned by Mr. Freeze in the classic Batman: The Animated Series episode “Heart of Ice.”

Kingdom Come And The Death Of The Daily Planet Staff

Eventually Lois, Clark and Iris made their way to Earth-96, where they met Brandon Routh’s Superman, who to them was the spitting image of Earth 1’s Ray Palmer. They explained how they were searching for a Kryptonian who had “suffered a greater loss than most mortal men could endure.” This leads to the elder Superman relating the sad story of how all of his friends at The Daily Planet and his version of Lois Lane were killed years earlier after “a reject from Gotham… played what he called a practical joke and gassed the building.” While not identified by name, this is precisely how The Joker killed the staff of The Daily Planet and Lois Lane in the reality of Kingdom Come.

The First Four Superman Movies & Superman Returns

It was confirmed early on that Brandon Routh would be playing Superman as part of Crisis on Infinite Earths and that his Superman would be both the Kingdom Come Superman and an older version of the Superman he portrayed in Superman Returns. This, in turn, meant that Routh’s Superman was also an older version of the Superman played by Christopher Reeve in the first four Superman movies. As such, Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two was filled with a number of nods to the earlier Superman films.

Chief among these was the use of John Williams’ original music, with the love theme from Superman The Movie (“Can You Read My Mind?") playing under the scene where Routh’s Superman first bumps into the Lois Lane of Earth-38. After the two Superman were forced to fight by Lex Luthor, Superman-96 noted with amusement that “this is the second time I’ve gone nuts and fought myself,” in a nod to the events of Superman 3. Finally, when he was given a chance to hold Jonathan Kent later on, Superman-96 commented that he looked just like his son Justin at that age, in a nod to the son he had with Lois Lane in Superman Returns.

The Dark Knight Returns Gone Wrong

When Arrowverse’s Supergirl tried to warn Batwoman about the truth behind Earth-99 Bruce Wayne and how he killed that Earth’s Superman, the former Batman mocked his former ally, saying that Clark “always said yes to anyone with a badge or a flag” and that Bruce’s parents had taught him “life only makes sense if you force it to.” He then punched Supergirl as the joints of his exoskeleton glowed green, revealing them to hold concealed Kryptonite. The dialogue from this moment is taken directly from Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns, as is the idea of Batman having special safeguards (like Kryptonite powered armor) for fighting Superman.

More: Crisis On Infinite Earths Rejects Kingdom Come Batman Theory