Luckily, I’ve sat down for an (almost three-hour!) chat with the developers, who answered quite a few of my questions about the new release.

Right off the bat, Crucible differentiates itself from traditional hero shooters by being set in third-person.

It’s not the most groundbreaking departure from what is familiar for this subgenre. Still, it at least appears to combine the fast and fluid style of gameplay seen in titles like Fortnite with the tightly-woven, team-based interplay seen in titles like Overwatch.

Heart of the Hives: A 4 vs. 4 battle against giant boss Hives that spawn throughout the world. Each Hive contains a valuable Heart, and the first team to capture three Hearts wins, making each match a dangerous balance between racing the opposing team and surviving the powerful Hives. Alpha Hunters: Eight teams of two take the battlefield and fight to be the final team standing. Harvester Command: Two eight-person teams battle to capture and hold Harvesters spread across the map, vying for control of the Essence that drew them all to the planet. Teams earn points by controlling Harvesters and defeating opponents, and the first team to 100 points wins.

I got over three hours of hands-on time to look over the shoulders of several different developers in both Heart of the Hives and Harvester Command mode. Here’s the crux of what I learned.

Crucible has been in development for five years, and more than one narrative designer is working on the game’s story and characters.

There is a wide variety of characters with their own unique dynamics and gameplay styles at launch. Totalling 10 at launch, each has abilities that are important to certain situations. One of the standout characters is Bugg, who shoots seed pods and waters them into plant-based turrets.

Characters each go through the same story-driven tutorial mode but carry their own lines and personalities into matches. Downtime conversations will happen between characters during exploration and other downtime moments, and they are unique to each character pair.

At the start of a match, you can select your upgrades, and you choose your tier one, tier three, and tier five upgrades. Tiers two and four are a built-in part of character progression. You can change your perks before each match, but you can also tailor your upgrades to the opposing heroes on the opposite team while loading into the game. It’s not possible to switch characters in Crucible mid-match.

Matches are guaranteed to end within 22 minutes, but generally, end much more quickly. Alpha Hunters and Harvester Command matches are more likely to end within 10 to 15 minutes.

If someone disconnects during the queuing sequence, Crucible has a backfill system that will grab someone else out of the queue, so that seven other people don’t have to re-queue. If your partner dies in Alpha Hunters mode, you can fight for the right to pair up with another single player for the duration of the match.

Crucible is PC-first, but it does have limited controller support already, holding future integration into consoles as a possibility.

Crucible Hands On  What We Learned About Amazon s New Hero Shooter   Crucible - 95Crucible Hands On  What We Learned About Amazon s New Hero Shooter   Crucible - 92