To enable console commands in Crusader Kings 3, you’ll need to run the game in debug mode. To do this (in Steam):

Right-click the game in your library Click Properties Click “Set Launch Options” under the General tab Add the command -debug_mode. Restart the game

Now you can open the console by pressing the `/~ key (the tilde key next to the number 1). Some of these console commands take some fancy know-how of variables and basic programming, as they’ll send scripts into action. Some of them can also crash the game if you get too crazy, so experiment a bit and do your research before you go nuts with it!

If you’re looking for cheat codes in Crusader Kings 3, we’ve got you covered there as well. Good luck!

Crusader Kings 3 Testing Commands

Before we get to more traditional scripting commands, here’s a brief list of the testing commands you can use in Crusader Kings 3.

These are typically used by developers to iron out bugs or to work on new patches, but they can be really handy for modders as well.

Anything in brackets calls for a variable. If you need a specific ID, you can usually get it by hovering over the character/territory/etc.

clear - Clears the console history effect [effect script] - Runs a scripted effect faction_spawn [faction type] - Spawns the faction if able generate_cadet_coa - Creates a new coat of arms help [command] - Displays the description of any command instamove - Armies move one space per day map_editor - Opens the map editor nomen - Makes AI characters refuse every request observe - Toggles observer mode play [character ID] - Switches the player character to the selected character portrait_editor - Opens the portrait editor run [file name] - Runs the commands in a file. The file must be located in Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings III set_is_ai [character ID] - Allows the AI to control the character set_is_player [character ID] - Disallows the AI to control the character yesmen - Makes AI characters accept every request

Crusdaer Kings 3 Scripting Commands

Alright folks, here you have it: the full list of Crusader Kings 3 console commands. You’ll need to flex some of your programming abilities to make these work in the right variables as needed, but they’ll help you modify the game however you need.

add_dynasty_modifier - Adds a dynasty modifier add_dynasty_perk - Adds a dynasty perk add_dynasty_prestige - Adds prestige to a dynasty add_dynasty_prestige_level - Increases the level of dynasty prestige remove_all_dynasty_modifier_instances - Removes all instances of a modifier to a dynasty remove_dynasty_modifier - Removes a dynasty modifier add_house_modifier - Adds a modifier to a house remove_all_house_modifier_instances - Removes all instances of a modifier to a house remove_house_modifier - Removes a house modifier add_scheme_modifier - Adds the specific scheme modifier add_scheme_progress - Adds progress to the scheme end_scheme - Ends a scheme and removes it with no effect expose_scheme - Reveals a scheme to the target expose_scheme_agent - Exposes the target as being involved in a scheme remove_scheme_modifier - Removes a modifier from a scheme scheme_freeze_days - Halts a scheme for a number of days add_county_modifier - Adds a modifier to a county change_county_control - Changes the title control of a county change_de_jure_drift_progress - Change the progress of title drift change_development_level - Changes the level of a title’s development change_development_progress - Changes the progress of a title’s development change_development_progress_with_overflow - Changes the progress of a title’s development and adds any remaining progress to the next level clear_title_laws - Remove all laws from a title without applying removal costs and effects clear_title_laws_effects - Remove all laws from a title and applying removal costs and effects copy_title_history - Copy history from one title to another remove_all_county_modifier_instances - Removes all instances of a modifier from a county remove_county_modifier - Remove a modifier from a county reset_title_name - Sets name and adjective of a title back to its key reset_title_prefix - Sets the prefix of a title back to its key revoke_lease - Revoke the lease of a title set_always_follows_primary_heir - Sets whether a title always goes to the primary heir set_capital_county - Sets the capital county of a title set_color_from_title - Sets color of a title to the color of another title set_county_culture - Changes culture of a county set_county_faith - Changes faith of a county set_de_jure_liege_title - Set a new de jure liege title set_definitive_form - Sets whether a title should use a definitive form name set_delete_on_destroy - Sets whether a title is deleted entirely when destroyed set_destroy_if_invalid_heir - Sets if a title is destroyed on succession if no heir is available set_destroy_on_succession - Sets if a title is destroyed on succession set_landless_title - Allows a title to be landless set_no_automatic_claims - Sets if a title only allows claims by script set_title_name - Sets the name of a title set_title_prefix - Sets the prefix of a title title_create_faction - The title creates a faction against a target title_join_faction - The title joins a faction title_leave_faction - The title leaves a faction end_story - Ends a story and runs its ending effect make_story_owner - Makes a character a story’s new owner add_innovation - Add innovation to a culture add_random_innovation - Add random innovation to a culture get_all_innovations_from - Discover all innovations from a culture get_random_innovation_from - Get a random innovation from a culture add_character_flag - Adds a flag add_character_modifier - Adds a modifier to the character add_courtier - Add a character to another character’s court add_diplomacy_lifestyle_perk_points - Adds diplomacy lifestyle perk points to a character add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xp - Adds diplomacy lifestyle XP to a character add_dread - Add dread to a character add_gold - Add gold to a character add_hook - Add a hook on a character with a toast to the player character add_hook_no_toast - Add a hook on a character that doesn’t send a toast add_intrigue_lifestyle_perk_points - Adds intrigue lifestyle perk points to a character add_intrigue_lifestyle_xp - Adds intrigue lifestyle XP to a character add_joined_faction_discontent - Adds discontent to the factions a character is in add_knows_of_killer - Reveals the killer of a dead character to another character add_learning_lifestyle_perk_points - Adds learning lifestyle perk points to a character add_learning_lifestyle_xp - Adds learning lifestyle XP to a character add_martial_lifestyle_perk_points - Adds martial lifestyle perk points to a character add_martial_lifestyle_xp - Adds martial lifestyle XP to a character add_opinion - Adds a temporary opinion modifier add_perk - Adds a perk add_piety - Adds piety add_piety_experience - Adds piety XP add_piety_level - Adds a level of piety add_pressed_claim - Gives a character a pressed claim add_prestige - Adds prestige add_prestige_experience - Add prestige XP add_prestige_level - Adds a level of prestige add_realm_law - Adds a law to the character’s realm add_realm_law_skip_effect - Adds a law to the character’s realm, but doesn’t apply costs of passing effects add_relation_flag - Adds a flag to an already existing relation add_scheme_cooldown - Sets a cooldown on schemes for a character add_secret - Adds a secret add_stewardship_lifestyle_perk_points - Adds stewardship lifestyle perk points to a character add_stewardship_lifestyle_xp - Adds stewardship lifestyle XP to a character add_stress - Adds stress add_targeting_factions_discontent - Adds discontent to every faction targeting a character add_to_scheme - Adds a character as a scheme agent add_trait - Adds a trait add_trait_force_tooltip - Adds a trait and shows a tooltip, even if the trait cannot be added for some reason add_truce_both_ways - Sets a truce both ways against a specific character add_truce_one_way - Sets a truce against a specific character add_tyranny - Adds tyranny add_unpressed_claim - Gives a character an unpressed claim add_visiting_courtier - Add a character as another’s guest allow_alliance - Allows an alliance that has been previously broken allow_in_scheme - Allows a character to join a scheme apply_ai_vassal_obligation_liege_most_desired - Applies a new level for the most desired AI obligation level a liege wants apply_ai_vassal_obligation_cassal_most_desired - Applies a new level for the most desired AI obligation level a vassal wants assign_council_task - Assigns a character to a council task assign_councillor_type - Assigns a character to a council position banish - Banish a character becomes_independent - Becomes an independent ruler break_alliance - Breaks alliance with a character cancel_truce_both_ways - Ends a truce against a character and the character they’re in a truce with cancel_truce_one_way - Ends a truce against a character change_current_weight - Change the weight of a character change_first_name - Change the first name of a character change_government - Change government of a character change_liege - Make a new liege change_prison_type - Change character’s prison type change_target_weight - Change the target weight of a character clear_forced_vote - Clear forced votes consume_banish_reasons - Removes all reasons a character would have to banish another consume_divorce_reasons - Removes all reasons a character would have to divorce another consume_execute_reasons - Removes all reasons a character would have to execute another consume_imprison_reasons - Removes all reasons a character would have to imprison another consume_revoke_title_reason - Removes one revoke title reason a character would have on another copy_inheritable_appearance_from - Copies the inheritable appearance attributes from one character to another create_alliance - Creates alliance between two characters create_cadet_branch - Character creates a cadet branch of their house create_faction - Character creates a faction create_story - Starts a story cycle with a character death - Kills a character depose - Deposes a character destroy_title - Destroys a title end_pregnancy - Ends a pregnancy execute_decision - Triggers a specific decision finish_council_task - The councilor successfully finishes their task fire_councillor - Character fires a councilor forbid_from_scheme - Won’t allow character to join a scheme force_add_to_scheme - Adds a character to a scheme force_vote_as - Character must vote with target get_title - Gives a title to a character give_nickname - Gives a character a nickname join_faction - The character joins a faction join_faction_forced - The character is forced into a faction for a set amount of time join_faction_skip_check - The character joins a faction without a check on if they can join it leave_faction - The character leaves a faction make_claim_strong - Makes a claim strong make_claim_weak - Makes a claim weak make_concubine - Makes the target character a concubine of another make_pregnant - Makes a character pregnant make_trait_active - Activates an inactive trait and won’t show a tooltip if the character can’t have it make_trait_active_force_tooltip - Activates an inactive trait and shows the tooltip even if the character can’t have it make_trait_inactive - Makes an active trait inactive and won’t show a tooltip if the character doesn’t have it make_trait_inactive_force_tooltip - Makes an active trait inactive and shows the tooltip even if the character doesn’t have it make_unprunable - A character is no longer prunable after death marry - Marries a character to another marry_matrilineal - Marries a character to another matrilineally move_to_pool - Character leaves their court move_to_pool_at - Character leaves their court and moves to the pool of a specific province pay_long_term_gold - Character pays gold to another under the long term budget pay_short_term_income - Character pays gold under the short term budget play_music_cue - Plays a specific music cue recalculate_scripted_relation - Recalculates a scripted relation effect recruit_courtier - Recruits a character to become a courtier refund_all_perks - Refunds every perk of the character refund_perks - Refunds the perks of one lifestyle release_from_prison - Releases a character from prison remove_all_character_modifier_instances - Remove all instances of a single modifier remove_character_flag - Removes a character flag remove_character_modifier - Removes one modifier from a character remove_claim - Removes a claim remove_concubine - Removes a character as a concubine remove_courtier_or_guest - Removes character from a court remove_decision_cooldown - Remove the cooldown on taking a decision remove_hook - Removes a hook on a character remove_interaction_cooldown - Remove cooldown on an interaction remove_interaction_cooldown_against - Remove cooldown on an interaction against a target remove_long_term_gold - Removes gold from a character from the long term budget remove_nickname - Removes any nickname remove_opinion - Removes a temporary opinion modifier remove_perk - Removes a character perk remove_realm_law - Removes a law from a character remove_relation_best_friend - Removes the best friend relationship remove_relation_bully - Removes the bully relationship remove_relation_court_physician - Removes the court physician relationship remove_relation_crush - Removes the crush relationship remove_relation_flag - Removes a flag from a relationship remove_relation_friend - Removes the friend relationship remove_relation_guardian - Removes the guardian relationship remove_relation_intrigue_mentor - Removes the intrigue mentor relationship remove_relation_intrigue_student - Removes the intrigue student relationship remove_relation_lover - Removes the lover relationship remove_relation_mentor - Removes the mentor relationship remove_relation_nemesis - Removes the nemesis relationship remove_relation_oaf - Removes the oaf relationship remove_relation_potential_friend - Removes the potential friend relationship remove_relation_potential_lover - Removes the potential lover relationship remove_relation_potential_rival - Removes the potential rival relationship remove_relation_rival - Removes the rival relationship remove_relation_soldier_friend - Removes the soldier friend relationship remove_relation_soulmate - Removes the soulmate relationship remove_relation_student - Removes the student relationship remove_relation_victim - Removes the victim relationship remove_relation_ward - Removes the ward relationship remove_scheme_cooldown_against - Remove cooldown on using a scheme against a character remove_short_term_gold - Remove gold from the short term budget remove_trait - Removes a trait and doesn’t show a tooltip if the character doesn’t have it remove_trait_force_tooltip - Removes a trait and shows a tooltip even if the character doesn’t have it reset_beneficiary - The character stops having a beneficiary return_to_court - Returns the character to court reverse_add_opinion - Adds a temporary reverse opinion modifier scriptedtests_recalculate_character_modifier - Recalculates the modifier of a character scriptedtests_recalculate_succession - Recalculates the line of succession of a character send_interface_message - Sends a message to the player then executes any effects send_interface_toast - Sends a message to the player then executes any effects set_beneficiary - The character becomes a beneficiary set_character_faith - Changes a character’s faith set_character_faith_history - Changes a character’s faith without executing effects set_character_faith_with_conversion - Changes a character’s faith as if they had converted set_child_of_concubine_on_pregnancy - Sets a child to be a child of a concubine set_council_task - Sets a councilor’s task set_culture - Set a culture for the character set_culture_same_as - Sets a character’s culture to the culture of another set_death_reason - Sets the death reason and killer of a character set_default_education - Sets a default education focus set_designated_heir - Sets the character as a designated heir set_employer - Add a character to a court set_father - Sets the father of a character set_focus - Sets the character focus set_house - Sets a character’s house set_immortal_age - Changes when a character became immortal set_killer_public - Sets a character’s killer as publicly known set_known_bastard_on_pregnancy - Sets a child to a known bastard set_num_pregnancy_children - Sets a number of children set_override_designated_winner - The character will put their beneficiary on the throne set_player_character - The character’s player will take over a new character set_pregnancy_assumed_father - Set the assumed father of a pregnancy set_primary_spouse - Sets a primary spouse set_primary_title_to - Sets a character’s primary title set_real_father - Changes a character’s real father set_realm_capital - Sets a new realm capital set_relation_best_friend - Sets the best friend relationship set_relation_bully - Sets the bully relationship set_relation_court_physician - Sets the court physician relationship set_relation_crush - Sets the crush relationship set_relation_friend - Sets the friend relationship set_relation_guardian - Sets the guardian relationship set_relation_intrigue_mentor - Sets the intrigue mentor relationship set_relation_intrigue_student - Sets the intrigue student relationship set_relation_lover - Sets the lover relationship set_relation_mentor - Sets the mentor relationship set_relation_nemesis - Sets the nemesis relationship set_relation_oaf - Sets the oaf relationship set_relation_potential_friend - Sets the potential friend relationship set_relation_potential_lover - Sets the potential lover relationship set_relation_potential_rival - Sets the potential rival relationship set_relation_rival - Sets the rival relationship set_relation_soldier_friend - Sets the soldier friend relationship set_relation_soulmate - Sets the soulmate relationship set_relation_student - Sets the student relationship set_relation_victim - Sets the victim relationship set_relation_ward - Sets the ward relationship set_sexuality - Sets a character’s sexuality set_to_lowborn - Sets a character to lowborn set_vassal_contract_modification_blocked - Blocks a vassal contract from being modified spawn_army - Spawns an army for the character start_default_task - Force the councilor to return to default task start_scheme - Starts a scheme start_war - Starts a war stress_impact - Stress impact according to specific traits use_hook - Uses a hook if a character has it vassal_contract_decrease_obligation_level - Decrease the obligation level of a vassal contract vassal_contract_increase_obligation_level - Increase the obligation level of a vassal contract vassal_contract_set_obligation_level - Set the obligation level of a vassal contract visit_court_of - Add the character as a guest add_faction_discontent - Adds discontent to a faction destroy_faction - Destroy a faction faction_remove_war - Stops a war associated with the faction faction_start_war - Faction starts a war against target remove_special_character - Removes a special character from the faction remove_special_title - Removes a special title from the faction set_special_character - Sets a special character to the faction set_special_title - Sets a special title for the faction add_attacker - Adds a character to a war as an attacker add_defender - Adds a character to a war as a defender end_war - Ends a war with a certain winner remove_participant - Removes a character from a war set_called_to - Sets the character as already called to a war set_casus_belli - Sets a casus belli for a war activate_holy_site - Activates an inactive holy site add_doctrine - Adds a doctrine to a faith change_fervor - Changes the fervor of a faith remove_doctrine - Removes a doctrine from a faith remove_religious_head_title - Removes the religious head title of a faith set_religious_head_title - Sets the religious head title of a faith start_great_holy_war - Starts a great holy war set_add_claim_on_loss - Any title losses will add claims to previous holder set_title_and_vassal_change_type - Sets a type of change add_secret_participant - Adds a participant to a secret disable_exposure_by - Forbids a character from exposing a secret

Take a deep breath — that’s a lot of info! Now that you know all of the game’s console commands (and cheat codes if you clicked on the link to our other list near the top of this guide), you can truly reshape the world in your own image. If you need more on Crusader Kings 3, check out our tips and strategies page here!

Crusader Kings 3 Console Commands List   Crusader Kings 3 - 17Crusader Kings 3 Console Commands List   Crusader Kings 3 - 21Crusader Kings 3 Console Commands List   Crusader Kings 3 - 71