1. IRS data leak exposes personal info of 120,000 taxpayers

The Internal Revenue Service has accidentally leaked confidential information for approximately 120,000 taxpayers who filed a form 990-T as part of their tax returns. Read more »

2. TikTok for Android bug allows single-click account hijack

A security vulnerability (CVE-2022-28799) in one of TikTok for Android’s deeplinks could affect billions of users, Microsoft warns. Read more »

3. James Webb Space Telescope snap might actually contain malware

Seriously, is nothing sacred? A photo from the James Webb Space Telescope is being used to smuggle Windows malware onto victims’ computers – albeit in a roundabout way. Read more »

4. Inside Fog Data Science, the secretive company selling mass surveillance to local police

A data broker has been selling raw location data about individual people to federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. Read more »

5. Be aware: Instagram phishing attack underway

BleepingComputer reports that thousands of Instagram users are being targeted in an ongoing phishing campaign that uses blue-badge offers as lures. Read more »