30 Rock is filled with insane cartoon-like characters that you’d find nowhere else. Each back story is complicated and outrageous to the point where it sounds both believable and completely fantastical in a “They must be lying,” sot of sense.

It makes it a curious thought on what their Alignments would be considering most of the characters are mostly out for themselves in their crazy world of immortality and pets as father figure replacements who also die horribly. 30 Rock may be based on reality but it is a crazy world with eccentric characters ripe to analyze.  Whether good, neutral or evil, here are the alignments of some 30 Rock characters.

Lawful Good: Kenneth

Kenneth puts up with a lot of malarky from the 30 Rock crew and does it with a smile. His obedience under crazy conditions that he gets put through shows his association with up-holding rules like a lawful good.  He’d do anything for the good of television.

Even for his co-workers, he shows his Lawful Good faults of selflessness when they were stuck in the elevator in the episode “Believe in the Stars.” Here, he offers to take his own life, in comedic fashion, to save enough air for the others. True to the show’s nature, he even encourages his friends to kill him by using his tie as a makeshift noose. His life matters very little to him as he would just get back up later because of his immortality.

Neutral Good: Pete

Pete is your standard good guy character to contrast from the other crazy characters of 30 Rock. He’s mostly self-sacrificing to keep others, including his wife, happy.

He shows through the series he is just an average good person, sometimes with not enough courage to do more with his life then be the simple man archetype. He acts as a balance to the craziness and a sound of reason and neutrality to the outrageous problems presented in the series.

Chaotic Good: Cerie

While not usually meaning harm to others, she has a very carefree spirit looking for freedom much like you’d see in any Chaotic Good. Even her end goal to marry someone rich is a sign of her carefree personality. It’s the type of trait that draws ire from others who are jealous.

Rules of love in marriage matter to her very little, as her care is self-centered on having a comfortable life by marrying rich so she can design handbags and be a young mother.

Lawful Neutral: Jack

Jack is mostly out for himself, but his usual position of power through his success puts him in a position of telling others what to do. Most of his decisions are usually self-centered but good in a business sense, which he does to keep his job going.

What he tries to do to get ahead and add to his list of accomplishments are often for his sake, unlike someone who is a Lawful Good. Looking out for himself places him in either evil or neutral, but since what he does is with NBC in mind, this puts him at a confrontation point with all other characters on the alignment scale, he qualifies as a Lawful Neutral.

True Neutral: Josh Girard

Josh isn’t afraid to mock and make fun of anyone even if he’s saying a compliment or an outright insult to that person. It’s his job so he is quite neutral about his opinions of those he mimics.

He’s a True Neutrtal because what he does doesn’t have malice and is simply his work, but what he usually does doesn’t have a positive outcome for many people (including himself) when other actors and crew workers are insulted.

Chaotic Neutral: Tracy Jordan

The psychotic persona that Tracy Jordan neatly keeps fits him in with a Chaotic Neutral. Another self-centered character whose goal is fame through insanity and unpredictable shenanigans. His immature demeanor keeps him as a wild card, and a laugh a minute.

Tracy Jordan doesn’t qualify as an evil on the scale because he can do things for the good of others socially as we see with his relationship with Kenneth. Tracy does want to do good things but still puts himself first, and a self-centered character will go both ways on the scale to fulfill their needs making him a neutral kind of guy.

Lawful Evil: Gaylord Felcher

The head of censors at fictional NBC, Gaylord Felcher uses his power to be as inappropriate as possible. He strictly makes others follow the rules, even though he’s not as strict as Kenneth is with rules when he is in power, but Gaylord uses those rules only for others.

His name even is an ironic slur for someone who is the head and in charge of the rules of the censor board. He uses his powers for evil, as he lords over the cast of 30 Rock.

Neutral Evil: Devon Banks

Devon Banks is your standard bad guy. He plots evilly against one of the protagonists, Jack Donaghy, as his goal is ultimate control of the corporation and his motives are fully self-centered without care for the consequences of others.

Like a Saturday morning cartoon villain, he comes up with complicated schemes to set everyone up so he can take over, only to hilariously fail in the end. True to bad guy fashion, he never has one scheme and each one is more complicated than it needs to be. He’s only a Neutral Evil because of his apparent antagonist traits.

Chaotic Evil: Hazel Wassername

Hazel Wassername is the constant causer of destruction and over complicated plots to take down the main characters for the benefit of her own career. She’s a chaotic in nature looking for destruction all the way to the point of being turned on by things set on fire.

Being one of the few characters on 30 Rock whose goal is to kill another shows her chaotic and destructive nature. She’s a completely unreliable character who lies constantly to get what she wants to the point of being pathological. It’s hard to predict what her next plot is to take down the characters and what steps she’ll take because of a loose cannon aspect that she shares with Tracy, however being more subtle about it.