The ragtag band of bandits that make up the crew of the Serenity on the now classic TV series Firefly don’t seem like the type to have a lot of moral variations between them. However no one should ever judge a book by it’s cover, because these unique individuals often times abide by their own moral code, if they believe in any moral code at all.

This squad of coworkers and friends are actually relatively good people, even if they’re not always showing it. Sometimes they abide by a morality that is given to them, sometimes they’re more than happy to flout the laws and rules of society at large, and sometimes they care about pretty much nothing other than themselves. This is every main character on Firefly, along with their moral alignment according to the Dungeons & Dragons moral alignment system.

Zoe Washburne - Neutral Good

Out of the entire Serenity squad, it seems like Zoe is obviously one of the best, most morally righteous people out there. Everyone in the crew has a good heart in one way or another, but Zoe is exceptional because she is truly a warrior for good.

Zoe clearly doesn’t have a lot of regard for the law, because the law is decided by the Alliance, and she fought against the galactic domination of the Alliance. But that doesn’t change the fact that she is a very genuine and kind person who is willing to subvert the law or follow the law in order to get the best result.

Simon Tam - Chaotic Good

On the outside, Simon Tam appears to be the most strait laced and uptight person on the entire ship, but that perfectly manicured veneer hides an incredibly wild and crazy guy beneath the surface.

Simon is quiet and kind, but when it comes time to decide what is right and what is wrong, not only is Simon on the side of right, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to fight for what’s right, even if it’s completely insane. Simon has accomplished what many would think is impossible, both because he’s very clever but also because he is willing to do what no one else would even consider doing.

Jayne Cobb - True Neutral

Jayne Cobb is certainly a rascal and a rapscallion, and he doesn’t seem to have any interests beyond what can benefit him. He does care about his fellow crew members, but he’s not someone who is ever burdened with thoughts of morality or righteousness.

Jayne typically does what he wants, when he wants, with very little thought beyond what will satisfy him in the here and now. He’s a true neutral character simply because his thoughts and feelings end with him. He’ll do the good thing if it benefits him, and he’ll do the terrible thing if it benefits him. He’ll break the law when it’s convenient, and follow it when it’s not.

Derrial Book - Lawful Good

Shepherd Book certainly isn’t as staunchly adherent to the law as many other Shepherds might be, but he follows the laws of his religion as well as he can.

Book is a good man to be sure, but he has built his entire life around the structure of religion, so it’s clear that he values the laws of that religion almost as much as he values moral goodness itself. There are some indications that Shepherd Book used to be pretty wild in his younger days, so it seems safe to assume that he leans on the confines of a lawful good moral alignment to keep himself in control.

Inara Serra - Lawful Neutral

Inara seems to be a pretty decent person in general, and this classification isn’t meant to besmirch the oldest profession in the world, but to be frank, the very fact that Inara Serra is a glorified working girl would indicate that she’s not particularly concerned with traditional morals.

Interestingly, in this world companionship is perfectly legal, so Inara is happy to follow the letter of the law even if her behavior isn’t considered to be moral by many. And she is a loving person who cares for many crew members on the Serenity, but she doesn’t seem to extend much of her personal concern beyond her loved ones.

Hoban Washburne - Neutral Good

Much like his ultra badass wife, Hoban Washburne seems to be a pretty good person who is more concerned with doing what he thinks is right instead of concerning himself with the rules and regulations provided by others.

Wash isn’t the warrior that Zoe is, but he does believe in doing the right thing and will disregard the consequences if he feels strongly enough about it. It’s no coincidence that the two closest people to him, Zoe and Mal, are outlaws with a heart of gold. What is lawful and what is good don’t always coincide, and Wash understands this clearly.

Kaylee Frye - Lawful Good

Kaylee Frye is cute as a button and doesn’t have a bad bone in her body. Her genuine goodness naturally radiates from her, and she has a way of charming pretty much everyone that she meets with her innocent sincerity.

And Kaylee isn’t someone who will always follow the law exactly, but she is someone who typically follows the rules and just does what she can to make the world as easy and happy as it can be. Like everyone on Serenity, Kaylee will break the rules when the circumstances call for it, but she will generally follow the rules otherwise.

River Tam - Chaotic Neutral

River Tam is likely a very good person beneath all of that crazy the Alliance jammed into her head, but once the Alliance got their hands on her it’s clear that everything about River changed.

For the most part she does what she can for the Serenity crew, at least when she is conscious enough to know what’s going on, but she is always a sleeping threat as well. Her very presence on Serenity puts the entire crew in danger, and while she tries to keep herself under control as much as possible she’s just a completely chaotic neutral wild card.

Malcolm Reynolds - Chaotic Good

Mal Reynolds definitely seems like a renegade at the start of Firefly, and since he makes his living through not exactly legal means it seems like he might not be the best guy. However as his character develops it becomes readily apparent that he is actually a quite good person, and is often times willing to lay his life on the line for the sake of the greater good.

But of course, as one of the OG rebels against the Alliance, Mal has no regard for the law, and honestly he probably prefers to break the law and disobey the Alliance if he gets the chance.