Wizards of the Coast is gearing up to release its new crossover between Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering called Mythic Odysseys of Theros. The new addition to the popular RPG will feature a brand new sourcebook set in the world of Magic: The Gathering. Fans can expect to get this book in their hands on June 2, 2020.

Dungeons & Dragons crosses over with other worlds quite often. This year there will be another major crossover when the RPG officially makes Wildemount, the world of Critical Role, a part of the D&D universe. This book will feature several adventures, a new class, and new items. On top of that, the sourcebook will even be written by Critical Role’s dungeon master Matthew Mercer. D&D has also crossed over with Magic: The Gathering several other times. Back in 2018, players were introduced to the Guildmaster’s Guid to Ravnica. This sourcebook is set in Magic: The Gathering’s most popular planes and was released around the same time that the card game returned to the setting as well.

Wizards of the Coast announced the new Mythic Odysseys of Theros, and stated that the adventures would be set within the titular Theros from Magic: The Gathering. Theros was heavily inspired by Greek Mythology, so players can expect to encounter many godly beings and fantastical situations. Players will be able to choose a supernatural gift for their characters in addition to aligning with one of the 15 gods. There will also be several new subclassses to choose from, like the Bard’s College of Eloquence and Paladin’s Oath of Heroism.

Dungeons & Dragons has remained an important part of fantasy story-telling for the better part of four decades. In a world full of increasingly impressive visuals and high-performance gaming systems, there are still a vast portion of gamers who would rather sit around a table with friends playing D&D. Those same type of people also play games like Magic: The Gathering, so a crossover between the two properties is an obvious choice. Now its just a matter of waiting three months to see if Mythic Odysseys of Theros sticks the landing.

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Mythic Odysseys of Theros will release on June 2, 2020.

Source: Wizards of the Coast