According to every pet owner in both the fictional and the real world, pets are people too. They have their own personalities, mannerisms, and moral code. These animals are as unique as the pattern of their coat and deserve to have those unique qualities appreciated and explored.

The wizards of the Harry Potter series were lucky enough to get sorted into the Hogwarts house that best matches their personality, but their pets were not given the opportunity to be sorted based on theirs. Today, we will be sorting the pets of the wizarding world according to the moral alignment chart from the Dungeons & Dragons series.

Trevor- Chaotic Neutral

Trevor cannot be contained and will not listen to any rules set forth by those who attempt to tell him what toads should and should not do. For example, we believe that Neville most likely lectured his toad every time that he found it gallivanting about the school.

But that did not prevent Trevor from escaping time and time again. Chaotic Neutral characters are the free-spirits of the world that are driven entirely by their own whims and a thirst for freedom.

Hedwig- Lawful Neutral

Hedwig, god rest her soul, is a rather finicky bird who was known to bite Harry whenever she felt as though Harry was being rude/not fulfilling his duties as her owner. She was also offended by the presence of other birds that she believed were not up to her own standards.

Hedwig can be seen as a Lawful Neutral character as she acts as the judge to those around her, but those judgements are not dictated by a moral code. Instead they are defined by her own code of ethics and etiquette.

Scabbers- Neutral Evil

Scabbers is the type of slimey rat-like figure that puts himself first, no matter the cost to those around him. He believes that his only duty is to protect himself and that everyone else can deal with the consequences of his actions.

He is perfect for the Neutral Evil alignment as those who fall under this type tend to be devoted to evil masters and will do anything (regardless of the price it may cost others) in order to advance themselves. Neutral Evil characters can be truly dangerous as they have no need to be seen as a good person. They do not believe morality will get them anywhere and turn to evil ways instead.

Fawkes- Lawful Good

Fawkes does everything he can to protect those are proud and brave enough to be vocally associated with Dumbledore. Fawkes is there when you need him and will do anything in his power to help you defeat the evil forces around you.

Though the nature of his species is rather chaotic, he operates by a strict moral code that is centred around helping the good and stopping evil. This moral perspective makes him the perfect candidate for the Lawful Good alignment.

Fang- True Neutral

Fang seeks to help out when including in mild forms of danger, but will do his best to stay out of the conflict as much as possible. He is rather useless due to his cowardly nature and one should not depend on him during a fight (as he will, most likely, be hiding under a tree until the entire situation has ended.)

True neutral characters do their best to remain neutral in all situations; avoiding extremes at all cost. Fang has shown, time and time again, that he will do anything to avoid any extreme situation if he can.

Crookshanks- Chaotic Good

Crookshanks is painted as a villain for most of the third book. Crookshanks is accused of eating Scabbers and helping Sirius enter the castle in order to fulfill his quest. The second accusation is true, but Sirius is not the villain that he was painted to be. Crookshanks is highly intelligent and is able to figure out exactly who they can trust, and who cannot be trusted. This cat does not care what others think of them, they simply do what they know to be right.

Chaotic Good is a wonderful alingment for this chaotic character as Crookshanks spends the majority of the book trying to help Sirius and take Scabbers down. They do not care if they are seen as a villain or are breaking the rules to do so. They simply must do what is right.

Pigwidgeon- Neutral Good

Pigwidgeon is a rather chaotic character. The only thing that Pig wants is to be a good owl and to prove themselves to those around them. They want to deliver letters, fulfill their duty, and become a respected member of the family. But their energetic and chaotic nature makest this rather difficult.

Despite having used the word “chaotic” to describe this bird, Pig is a better fit under the Neutral Good alignment. This is due to the fact that Pig’s central motivation is to be a good owl by devoting themselves to helping their masters, no matter what.

 Buckbeak- Lawful Neutral

Buckbeak was a good hippogriff and sought to live up to a strict code of ethics. Hippogriff’s are truly proud creatures whose every action is contained within a straightforward set of rules that command respect at all costs. Disrespect these rules and you will be punished. But they are not evil creatures. Nor are they morally upstanding creatures.

They are truly neutral, in terms of morality, and that is what makes Buckbeak a perfect fit for the Lawful Neutral type. Their ‘judgemental nature’ is akin to that of Hedwig, who punishes those who break her personal rules.

Errol- Chaotic Neutral

Errol is one of the most chaotic pets in the entire series. He may even be one of the most chaotic characters in the series, overall. He acts as the owl for the Weasley family- but he is truly rubbish at his job. The letters do eventually (for the most part) get to where they are meant to go. But he is not reliable at all.

Some may believe that this is due to his relatively low IQ, but we believe that he is simply a free spirit that has better things to do. Of course, he will still deliver what needs to be delivered, but he is going to do so on his own schedule and enjoy his freedom. Hedwig would be horrified.