Dare Me is a new show on USA that shows an alternate high school reality. It is based in an Ohio rural town and focuses on a high school cheer team whose goal is to go to regionals. A new coach is hired, but there is an air of mystery hiding in every dark corner of the show.

Many have raved about the show and its storyline, while others believe it missed the mark. There are several arguments for both sides that could sway a viewer’s opinion. Keep reading to learn about five reasons Dare Me is worth your time, and five it isn’t!

 Worth It: The Show Is Dark

This show has been compared to other shows like You and Euphoria. This series is equally as dark, but in different ways than the other two. They are constantly hinting at murder and the way the cast interacts is questionable at times.

The show discusses themes of drugs, violence, and promiscuous affairs. It is not so dark to turn away a crowd, and it provides just enough to keep your attention. It is a perfect blend that holds your attention and is not too graphic to turn away someone with a strong moral compass.

 Not Worth It: It’s Been Done Before

When you learn the premise of the show you will notice several familiar themes shown in a different light. The show that comes to mind is Pretty Little Liars as the girls searched for a mysterious murder, secrets were around every corner, and high school girls united under a single front.

There is a different storyline and Dare Me is darker than Pretty Little Liars, but many will find it to be a subpar version of the latter. It might not be a complete replica, although, they are close enough for it to turn viewers away.

Worth It: Explores Societal Values

The show explores the darker side of high school by upping the anty of drugs, casual relationships, and violence. The girls are constantly battling one another despite declaring to be friends. It explores hazing on sports teams and how these students are connected with their superior’s affairs.

There is a darkness hidden in every action as constant betrayals and secrets are kept hidden from those it would matter to most. The show explores the inner workings of a corrupt society and how it has affected the adolescents of this era.

 Not Worth It: The Show Has Slow Points

It can be tempting for viewers to shut off the show at certain points as it seems to slow to a crawl. It could be a lull in the drama or the failure of the show to capture your interest with a hidden plot point.

Overall, it is intriguing, but some viewers expect to be immersed throughout an entire episode, rather than left waiting in the dust for something to happen. There are times you can feel the tension building, but the hook is not enough to keep viewers from changing the channel.

Worth It: There Are Several Elements Of Drama

One of the best things the show has going for it is that there are several elements of drama that are entangled into a grand scheme. You have a secret affair, the numerous fights among the cheerleaders, and the back and forth dynamic between Addy and Beth.

Viewers are keyed into the fact that they all impact one another in some way, but they are left watching to piece together all of the tidbits of information. The drama is indicative of the setting and viewers love to see the little things that occur along the way as characters make poor choices in their own lives.

 Not Worth It: Some Scenes Don’t Fit

It seems like some scenes don’t fit in at certain points and it throws you off track when watching the show. There are certain promiscuous scenes and random times of aloneness that make you wonder what exactly is going on.

It is obvious there is a deeper meaning, although, many viewers feel this information could be given differently. They want to feel intrigued and not bored by the lack of action or random sequences that lean toward viewers switching to another show.

 Worth It: Everyone’s A Suspect

We know that a murder occurs later in the series and as the show goes on we begin to realize that everyone could be a culprit of the crime. It is unclear who exactly will pass away, but there is a premonition that someone’s death is close at hand. Is it the cheer coach with mixed morals or the head cheerleader that’s out for blood?

We won’t know until the end when it is revealed who the crime is committed against and we begin to see the aftermath that unfolds. Viewers are hooked as they try to predict the outcome of this mystery and find it increasingly difficult with every episode that they watch on their screens.

 Not Worth It: Viewers Begin To Hate Everyone

The opposite effect of everyone becoming a suspect is that viewers also begin to hate all of the characters in the show. You begin to realize that no one is free and clear of moral negligence and some viewers find that they can’t choose a favorite because there is something to hate about each and every one of them.

Some will disagree and say it is all part of the hype of the series, but others find it hard when they can’t connect with anyone in the show.

Worth It: The Cast Is Exceptional

The upside is that they cast they chose is exceptional at portraying their characters in the correct sense. They portray the characters as they should be shown and as we follow the actors we realize how deep they have to dive into the roles.

The characters they play have darkness around them that they are tasked with portraying and it is no easy feat. Luckily, the directors chose well with Marlo Kelly and Willa Fitzgerald taking the leads with the mystery being their middle names.

Not Worth It: It’s Confusing

The biggest drawback of the show is that it is confusing. The goal is to give the viewer bits and pieces of information throughout, but some find it hard to follow along. It loses you at points and brings you back in episodes later, and by that time, the magic of the show has already passed.

Many will make it through the first episode to find that by the second it is not the show for them. This goes back to our previous statement of periods of boredom, as well as the fact that some scenes don’t seem to fit, and combined with this factor it can be a turnoff for viewers.