Warning! SPOILERS ahead for The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance season 1.

Netflix’s The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance transports audiences back to Thra, a world of strange, fantastical creatures and the setting of 1982’s The Dark Crystal directed by Jim Henson and Frank Oz. Though not huge success upon release, The Dark Crystal has since grown in popularity in large part thanks to the film’s ground-breaking character design and puppets from The Jim Henson Company.

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance season 1 is set years before the events of the original film. It follows three Gelfling as they uncover a terrible truth about the Skeksis, leading them to start a resistance against these self-proclaimed Lords of the Dark Crystal. The prequel series again features the puppets of the Jim Henson Company as well as a voice cast that includes Taron Egerton, Lena Headey, Mark Hamill, Jason Isaacs, Helena Bonham-Carter, and Simon Pegg, to name only a few.

For those unfamiliar with The Dark Crystal, all this talk of Gelfling and Skesis is probably confusing. To better understand the world of The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, here is a guide to the many creatures and terminologies of Thra.

The World of Thra

Thra is a living planet with regions of forests, mountains, caves, deserts, and seas. It is home to a variety of creatures, all of whom are connected to Thra through the power of the Crystal. Thra orbits three suns, referred to as the Three Brothers, and at specific points in its orbit, the three suns appear to converge in the sky during an astronomical event called the Great Conjunction. These events are what begin and end the different ages of Thra’s history. The first Great Conjunction ended the Age of Innocence and began the Age of Harmony, while the second Great Conjunction ended the Age of Harmony and began the Age of Division - the current age of Thra in The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance.

The Crystal of Truth (The Dark Crystal)

The Crystal of Truth is the heart of Thra. It is a large, glimmering white crystal and is the source of all life on Thra. The Crystal also connects all of the creatures of Thra to the planet and each other. During the second Great Conjunction, the Crystal of Truth was cracked and a shard went missing. This is what causes the Crystal to lose its brilliance and turn a deep violet color, becoming known as The Dark Crystal.


Born of Thra’s desire to see the world and interact with the creatures living on it, Aughra is a one of a kind being who speaks for Thra and protects the Crystal. Her birth marked the beginning of the Age of Innocence. Aughra is a squat, wrinkled creature that bears resemblance to an old woman with horns and a third eye on her forehead. During the first Great Conjunction, the brilliant light of the astronomical event blinded Aughra in all but one of her three eyes. She can be ornery, but she is also very wise and powerful. Aughra cares for all of Thra’s creatures, but she is most protective of the Gelfling as they are closest to Thra.


The urSkeks are not originally of Thra but were exiled to the planet for being impure. They are humanoid in appearance but are extremely tall and glow with an ethereal white light. The urSkeks came to Thra during the first Great Conjunction, entering through a portal. It was this portal’s light that blinded Aughra, after which the urSkeks used their power - an incredibly advanced technology that appears to many like magic - to heal Aughra and partially restore her sight.

The urSkeks sought out the Crystal of Truth, wanting to use its power to purify themselves. They built the Castle of the Crystal as well as Aughra’s orrery so that she could study the cosmos and alert them when it was time for the second Great Conjunction. The 18 urSkeks who came to Thra believed that the light cast from the second Great Conjunction and through the Crystal of Truth would purify them, but instead, it split the beings into separate creatures - the kind urRu and the cruel Skeksis.


At the moment of their creation, the Skeksis were wildly destructive and violent, and two of the 18 Skeksis died in the aftermath of the split - and therefore, so did two of the urRu since the creatures remain connected. Another of the Skeksis cracked the Crystal of Truth, creating the shard and darkening the Crystal.

The Skeksis are vulture-like creatures with four arms (though one pair has since atrophied) and two legs. As the years go by and their bodies decay, the Skeksis favor dressing in garish, opulent robes and armor that conceal their decrepit bodies. The Skeksis desire power above all else and so they tricked Aughra, taking control of the Castle of the Crystal and declaring themselves Lords of the Dark Crystal. To prolong their lives, the Skeksis siphon energy from the Crystal, furthering its darkening, but over time this proves less and less effective. The Skeksis next begin to experiment on the Crystal.

The 16 Skeksis are: skekSo the Emperor; skekZok the Ritual-Master; skekUng the Garthim-Master; skekSil the Chamberlain; skekTek the Scientist; skekShod the Treasurer; skekAyuk the Gourmand; skekOk the Scroll-Keeper;  skekNa the Slave-Master; skekEkt the Ornamentalist; skekMal the Hunter; skekVar the General; skekLach the Collector; skekGra the Conquerer; skekLi the Satirist; and skekSa the Mariner.

urRu (Mystics)

The other half are the urRu, benevolent, slow-moving reptilian creatures with longs tails, who like the Skeksis also have four arms and two legs. The urRu are spiritual and contemplative in nature, and following the split, they left the Castle of the Crystal for a nearby valley where they could meditate in peace. The urRu are called Mystics by some, in particular the Gelfling, most of whom have never even seen an urRu.

Since they are forever linked with their Skeksis counterparts, the urRu continue to live as long as they do. The 16 surviving urRu are: urSu the Master; urZah the Ritual Guardian; urIm the Healer; urSol the Chanter; urTih the Alchemist; urYod the Numerologist; urAmaj the Cook; urAc the Scribe; urNol the Herbalist; urUtt the Weaver; urVa the Archer; urMa the Peacemaker; urSen the Monk; urGoh the Wanderer; urLii the Storyteller; and urSan the Swimmer.


The Gelfling are the most populous race on Thra, inhabiting almost every region of the planet from forests to caves and deserts. They are a diminutive species with elfin features. The female Gelfling also have wings, while the males do not. Gelfling can communicate telepathically and share memories through touch with an ability they call Dreamfasting.

The arrival of the urSkeks greatly advanced Gelfling society, and once the Skeksis rose to power, the Gelfling came to serve the Lords of the Crystal as castle guards. There are seven Gelfling clans: Vapra, Stonewood, Spriton, Sifa, Grotten, Drenchen, and Douson. Each clan is overseen by a matriarch or Maudra, who then answers to the Skeksis-appointed All-Maudra from the ruling Vapra clan.


Podlings (or Pod People) are the next most populous race on Thra. Smaller even than Gelfling, the Podlings somewhat resemble potatoes and their name comes from the fact they live in Pod Plants. They are highly skilled gardeners, cultivating many different kinds of plants and even taming some animals, like the Fizzgig. Theirs is a simple culture of feasting and merriment, but they do speak their own unique language.


These large, intelligent anthropods resemble spiders and can communicate with one another via a hive mind. The Gelfling call the Arathim “spitters” - a reference to the webbing they shoot. The Arathim are enemies of the Gelfling, having never forgiven the Gelfling for forcing them from their ancestral homes in Grottan Caves.


Created by the skekTek, the Scientist, the Garthim are modeled off sea creatures from the urSkeks’ homeworld. They are animated by the power of The Dark Crystal and their only purpose is to obey the Skeksis and destroy.

Dark Crystal Terminology Guide

Age of Division - The third age of Thra. It begins with the second Great Conjunction and the splitting of the urSkeks.

Age of Harmony - The second age of Thra. It begins with the first Great Conjunction and the arrival of the urSkeks, and ends with the second Great Conjunction and the splitting of the urSkeks.

Age of Innocence - The first age of Thra. It begins with Aughra’s birth and ends with the first Great Conjunction and the arrival of the urSkeks.

All-Maudra - The leader of all Gelfling, appointed by the Skeksis to rule over all seven clans and oversee the tithing.

Armorling - A caterpillar-like creature that the Skeksis uses to propel their carriages.

The Ascendancy - The term that the Arathim use to refer to their hive-mind collective.

Auyeral - The sigil of great power. Brea first witness this symbol in the library, and later it’s seen again at the Circle of the Suns.

The Breath of Thra - The warm air that comes from the fires at the center of Thra.

Castle of the Crystal - A castle constructed by the urSkeks to house the Crystal of Truth.

Chamber of Life - A laboratory within the Castle of the Crystal where the urSkeks were divided into urRu and Skeksis. Later used for experiments by skekTek, the Scientist.

The Darkening - A blight that spreads from The Dark Crystal and slowly infects all life on Thra. It’s created by the continued corruption of the Crystal by the Skeksis.

Dousan Clan - The Gelfling clan who inhabit the Crystal Sea, a vast desert. They are a secretive clan who other Gelflings believe worship death.

Dreamfasting -  A means by which Gelfling can share memories through physical touch.

Dream Space - A spirit realm that can be entered by Dreamfasting.

Dreamstitching - The act of attaching or stitching a memory to an object. Any Gelfling who touches the object will also experience the memory. This skill is practiced largely by the Spriton clan.

Drenchen Clan - A clan of amphibious Gelfling who live in the Swamps of Sog, a place so isolated and remote that the Skeksis never visit.

Dual Glaive - A legendary blade forged by skekGra and urGoh that when wielded by a Gelfling has the power to unite all seven clans and defeat the Skeksis.

Essence - The liquid form of a creature’s live-giving force. Can be consumed to prolong the life of another.

Fizzgig - A small, furry creature with a huge mouth containing two rows of sharp teeth. Tamed by the Podlings, they are used to protect plants from pests.

Gobbles - Small tube creatures with suction cup-like mouths that grow in patches on the ground. When an animal or another creature treads on them, they gobble it up.

Great Conjunction - An astronomical event in where the three suns of Thra align in the sky.

Grottan - A secretive clan of Gelfling who inhabit the underground Caves of Grot. Since they live in perpetual darkness, their eyes do not easily adjust to sunlight and they rarely visit the surface.

Gruenaks - Another race of Thra once thought to have been eradicated by the Skeksis. Two Grunaks found by Sifa mariners are gifted as slaves to skekTek the Scientist by skekSil the Chamberlain.

Landstriders - Very tall, long-limbed creatures that resemble rabbits and can be ridden for great distances, most commonly by Gelfling.

Maudra - The matriarchal leader of a Gelfling clan.

Nurlocs - Giant, segmented worm creatures that live underground in the Caves of Grot.

Orrery - A device used to chart and observe the cosmos.

The Sanctuary Tree - Also known as Vliste-Staba, this wise, old tree sits on a hill near the Mountains of Grot. It is one of many Great Trees that exist throughout Thra, each accompanying a different Gelfling settlement.

Sifa Clan - A seafaring clan of Gelfling who worship the wind. They are also merchants who trade throughout Thra.

Spriton Clan - A clan of fierce warriors who live within the Dark Wood. They are rivals of the Stonewoods and frequently work as castle guards for the Skeksis.

Stonewood Clan - A proud clan of Gelfling who live in the Dark Wood in a village called Stone-in-the-Wood. They are also a clan of fierce warriors who will often be called upon as castle guards.

Three Brothers - The three suns that Thra orbits; the Great Sun, the Rose Sun, and the Dying Sun.

Three Sisters - The three moons of Thra; the Blue Moon, the Pearl Moon, and the Hidden Moon.

Trine - The time it takes Thra to orbit the Great sun; one year.

Vapra Clan - The oldest of Gelfling clans live in the cliffside villages of Hr’rar and their Maudra, the All-Maudra, rules over all other Gelfling clans, serving also as the liaison between the Gelfling and Skeksis.

Next: What To Expect From Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Season 2

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance season 1 releases August 30th on Netflix.