This is A Story of the End - Revere a JRPG styled game that follows Troy on his path for redemption after witnessing the atrocities the Lumerian army was capable of. You’re treated with suspicion and ire, but while the path may be slow, it will certainly be interesting.

I had a chance to sit down with the lead developer Darrel Wijaya and discuss this path, as well as his Kickstarter which as of this article is still going on.

GameSkinny (Angelina Bonilla): How do you plan to have Revere stand out among the library of many solid JRPG titles both indie and AAA? What makes your game different or special in particular?

GS: In the demo, Troy’s dialogue is straightforward and you don’t get much choice in what he says. Will we get to have some control over what Troy says and how he asks certain questions in the full game?

I could say that it has good visual retro aesthetics, and the battle system has some meaning to it in terms of being related to the plot – However, perhaps all I can do is hope that JRPG enthusiasts like myself would find time to enjoy this game at their own leisure.

GS: Will only the important characters have full sized pictures of themselves when they talk, or will we get to see them for some of our quest givers too to add some extra impact to the game?

We’ve made it a point that when completing certain aspects of the game it will unlock different lines or speeches. Hopefully this will allow players to poke around a little.

WE THOUGHT, of making silhouettes but that would just ruin the aesthetics.

GS: Revere has elements of both real time and turn based battles at once. How do you plan to best entwine the two? Would it be possible for a player who prefers one style over the other to play entirely in that?

GS: Will there be any optional or unlockable bosses that may not be apart of the storyline but allow for extra EXP and loot?

Of course given that at certain times the player must stick to a style due to the plot advancing.

GS: Are the party members displayed on the Kickstarter page the only party members or will we have more to meet later on?

GS: Will each boss have their own unique battle themes or will there be universal battle theme for the mini bosses and unique ones for the later bosses?

GS: Your main character Troy is out for a quest of redemption from the atrocities committed by his people, as well as his involvement with the attack on the village. The Lumerians as a whole are framed in a negative light by people outside of Lumeria but do we get to see anyone who actually likes what they are doing? Will a sort of moral grey area be present that further complicates the narrative?

GS: With your focus on visual novel-esque narrative elements, how important would you say the narrative is compared to the battle and gameplay elements? What would be your ideal way of balancing the two nicely?

I would like to thank Darrel Wijaya for taking the time to answer my questions. Story of the End - Revere looks like a dramatic JRPG with a story about redemption, prejudice and loss.

By displaying character images and their sprite counterparts we’d hope this would embellish the game further – making it more appealing to the audience.

Check out Story of the End - Revere’s Twitter for updates. If you want to show your support, there’s still time to back Story of the End - Revere on Kickstarter!