Warning: SPOILERS for Star Wars #75

C-3PO is a classic character in the Star Wars universe, with the golden protocol droid being featured in every single episode of the Star Wars saga alongside his droid counterpart, R2-D2. However, if it wasn’t for Darth Vader in the days before Empire Strikes Back, Threepio’s time in the universe would have been cut short.

Vader himself saves Threepio from destruction in the final pages of Marvel’s Star Wars, before the series gets a relaunch taking place after Empire Strikes Back. But before the Rebels find their new base on the ice planet Hoth, they have to survive an assault from Lord Vader, and an unstable planet on the verge of exploding. Using Threepio and Chewbacca as bait, Vader manages to draw Luke, Han, Leia, and their fellow rebels to the planet.

In Star Wars #74, Threepio tells his newly befriended rock creatures to go ahead and create their natural EMP burst to deactivate the bombs set to blow up the already unstable planet, knowing full well that the burst will deactivate him as well. With his sacrifice, Threepio ensures the safety of the rock creatures as well as creating an opportunity for the rebels to take down Vader, with the burst debilitating him as well. It’s a heroic move, with Threepio sending the message that all life is valuable, not just the life found within flesh and blood. At the the issue’s end, it looks like Threepio’s story is over.

However, after Vader fights Chewbacca in Star Wars #75, he limps away to his shuttle. However, he doesn’t run. Instead, Vader uses the shuttle’s power to recharge his systems. Not only does this move return Vader to his peak performance and threat level to the rebels, but the resulting power surge reactivates Threepio back into the land of the living. Having been brought back, Threepio exclaims “Thank the Maker!” not knowing how right he actually is.

While probably unintentional, Vader saving Threepio is an entertaining nod to their past relationship. It pairs nicely with the interaction Vader and Threepio had a few issues prior in Star Wars #72. In that issue, Vader uses Threepio as a translator in order to communicate with the indigenous rock creatures. Vader comments that the creatures are free of emotion, just like droids. Bravely, Threepio counters by saying that he’s known droids to be very emotional. Vader responds by saying that they can be… if that’s how they’re programmed.

It’s unclear if Vader is aware that he’s talking to Threepio, the droid he once built.After all, protocol droids are pretty common and look very similar in appearance all over the galaxy. Furthermore, much of Vader’s past life as Anakin is something that he has strived to disassociate from and bury. Regardless, it’s a sly nod to their relationship, as it’s Vader who once programmed Threepio, who himself has plenty of emotion.

At the end of Star Wars #75, Luke faces off with Vader, and the rebels manage to escape the Empire’s clutches…but not for long. The rebels have found a location for their new base on Hoth, which means the events of Empire Strikes Back are imminent. Star Wars fans know that Threepio will be right alongside his friends through it all (at least till the saga concludes) and it’s all thanks to his maker, Lord Vader.

Star Wars #75 is available in your local comic book shop.